Similar to the NBA version. Students will compete in a course testing their dribbling, passing, agility, and shooting skills.
Date: 27th - 28th August Time: 9 PM - 2 PM

Location: Palace of Fine Arts, 3601 Lyon St

Basketball-thon 2022

Location: Palace of Fine Arts
3601 Lyon St

Date: Saturday, August 27th
Time: 11:00AM - 12:00PM

Sign up for Skills ChallengeSign up for Skills Challenge
Sign up now!

Volunteering opportunities

Allows parents to volunteer in various ways by raising corporate sponsorship fees, promoting the event, and being present to assist during the event.

Signup to Volunteer

Sponsorship Opportunities

Looking for ways to provide more impact for the Basketball-thon? Please consider being a sponsor.

Opportunities include:

  • Sponsoring a player in need for $75
  • Sponsoring a side event (Slam Dunk or 3 point competition) for $1500
  • Main event 3v3 sponsor for $5000.

**There are other custom opportunities available.**

Contact us at for more information or complete our sponsorship form below and we’ll contact you.

Become a Sponsor


From the very first day EMA started its operations,the organization has prioritized access and inclusion.

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